目的 評價玻璃體切割術治療化膿性眼内炎的療效。方法 48例化膿性眼内炎及時采用玻璃體切割術,術后全身及局部應用廣譜、高效抗生素和皮質類固醇治療。結果 術后隨訪3-36月,全部保住眼球,炎症得到控制,視力均有不同程度的提高,矯正視力:0.7以上4例,占8.3%,0.6-0.3者10例,占20.8%,0.2-0.1者15例。占31.3%,0.09-0.01者17例占35.4,無光感2例。占4.2%。結論 玻璃體切割術治療化膿性眼内炎是目前較合理和有效的方法。
Objective To evaluate the effect of vitrectomy on suppurative endophalmitis. Methods Vitretoray were performed in 48 patients with suppurative endophalmin's. The broad - spectrum antibiotics of high efficacy were used in combination with corticosteroid after surgery. All patients were followed up for 3 months to 3 yeays. Results Postoperatively, the eyes of all patients were restored. All the inflammations were controlled. The visual acuity of all patients increased at different levels. The corrected visual acuity was > 0.7 in 4 patients (83 % ) , 0.6-0.3 in 10 patients (20.8%), 0.2-0.1 in 15 patients (37.3%), 0.09-0.01 in 17 patients (35.4%) and no light perception in 2 patients (4.2&%) Conclusion Victrectomy is an effective surgery for the treatment of suppurative endophalmitis.
International Eye Science