A major gene for heading date in rice, Ef(t), was mapped on the same position as one RFLP marker C1369 on chromosome 10, which was located between two RFLP markers C234 and G37 at 1.0 cM interval. Initially, these three RFLP markers were used to screen a rice BAC library and seven independent clones with the size ranged from 70kb to 180kb were identified. By the comparisons of Hind III restriction fragment in each clone, the relative location of these clones were determined and two primary contigs, contig C1369 and contig G37, were obtained. Chromosome walking was performed with one outmost BAC end of the primary BAC contig C1369, then two contigs were integrated into one. The resultant contig encompassing Ef(t) gene locus which consisted of 7 BAC clones was developed. It will facilitate the isolation of Ef(t) gene using map based cloning approach.
A major gene for heading date in rice, Ef(t), was mapped on the same position as one RFLP marker C1369 on chromosome 10, which was located between two RFLP markers C234 and G37 at 1.0 cM interval. Initially, these three RFLP markers were used to screen a rice BAC library and seven independent clones with the size ranged from 70 kb to 180 kb were identified. By the comparisons of Hind III restriction fragment in each clone, the relative location of these clones were determined and two primary contigs, contig C1369 and contig G37, were obtained. Chromosome walking was performed with one outmost BAC end of the primary BAC contig C1369, then two contigs were integrated into one. The resultant contig encompassing Ef(t) gene locus which consisted of 7 BAC clones was developed. It will facilitate the isolation of Ef(t) gene using map-based cloning approach.