It is very important to get the tensile properties of bridgefiber bundles between bond points in the simulation stud-ies on the tensile properties of point - bonded nonwov-ens. In order to construct models to predict the tensileproperties of bridge fiber bundles, it is essential to inves-tigate the number of fibers passing through certain bondpoints. The probability of fibers passing through bondpoints in nonwovens is investigated. A tentative proba-bility formula that includes the factors such as specimensize, fiber length and bond point radius, and a formulato calculate the number of fibers passing through bondpoints are proposed on the basis of the data of the simu-lations.
It is very important to get the tensile properties of bridgefiber bundles between bond points in the simulation studies on the tensile properties of point - bonded nonwov-ens. In order to construct models to predict the tensile properties of bridge fiber bundles, it is essential to investigate the number of fibers passing through certain bond points. The probability of fibers passing through bond points in nonwovens is investigated. A tentative probability formula that includes the factors such as specimen size, fiber length and bond point radius, and a formula to calculate the number of fibers passing through bond points are proposed on the basis of the data of the simulations .