安徽巢湖早三叠世青龙组南陵湖段中的火山碎屑流沉积物,由火山碎屑岩组成,可分为英安 质角砾岩、英安质晶屑-玻屑凝灰角砾岩、英安质玻屑-晶屑凝灰岩和凝灰质灰岩四种岩石类型。沉积 层序分为两个旋回,包括Bouma序列的A—C、A—E段。层序分析表明,是介于近源和远源之间的过渡 相,属于斜坡沉积环境,物质来源于巢湖以南的浅海区火山喷发物质。
The pyroclastic flow deposits developed in the Lower Triassic Nanlinhu member, Chaoxian, Anhui, are compoesd of pyroclastic rocks which can be further divided into dacite breccia, crystal and glass shard dacite tuff breccia glass and crystal dacite tuff, and tuff. The stratigraphie sequence is classified into 2 cycles including A-C and A-E beds of Bouma sequence. Sequence analysis shows that the pyroclastic flow deposits are of transition facies between the proximal and distal facies. The sediments are of clinothem derived from the volcanic debris erupted in shallow sea area south to Chaoxian
Geology of Anhui