数字权限管理,简称Digital Rights Management,是以一定的算法实现对数字内容的保护的技术,它是当前网络出版领域中的关键技术。如今的移动电话由于可以通过GPRS网络下载、同步各种图片、声音/铃声、动画、java游戏,所以为预防非法拷贝及浏览这些内容,在移动电话中嵌入对DRM的支持就显得越来越重要了。
Digital Rights Management is a term referred to any of technical algorithm used to control or restrict the use of digital media content on electronic devices with such technologies installed. As mobile phone device can download various picture, ringtone, animation, java midlet through GPRS network now, to preventing illegal duplication of people' s copyrighted works, embedding DRM technology into such handled device becomes more and more important.
Communications Technology