机群监控管理系统用于通过网络收集车辆状态信息和位置信息,并通过GIS组件显示车辆位置以达到监控目的。使用成熟的二次开发组件会大大减少开发量,缩短开发周期。但是企业级应用需要针对客户要求构建分布式应用,同时系统的可扩展性也是需要关注的因素。通过.NET平台、WebGIS、WebMIS、XML Web Services技术整合,构成功能完整的机群监控管理系统。该文介绍一种利用MapXtreme 2004构建机群监控管理系统的方法。首先介绍了WebGIS技术平台的发展,接着针对某企业车辆监控的要求,给出了解决方案并分析了相关的关键技术,最后通过与WebMIS的整合给出具体实现。
Monitoring system can collect vehicle's state data and position data through computer network,and display vehicle on a map by using geographic information system(GIS) component for the monitoring purpose.If GIS components are adopted in the developing process for monitoring system,we can reduce the workload,and shorten the development time.But in regard to application in enterprise fields,distributed application is needed,and the flexibility of system needs more consideration.Based on.NET technology,we constitute a well-found monitoring system that's integration of WebGIS,WebMIS,and XML Web Services.A method of design and implementation of monitoring system using MapXtreme 2004 is introduced in this paper.First,it introduces the technology platform development of the WebGIS.Then according to the demand of monitoring system,it offers the solution and explains the key technology.Finally we design and implement the Integration of WebMIS,WebGIS,and the monitoring system.
Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences