
校读点校本《明史·申时行传》手记 被引量:4

Journals about Proofreading Biography of Shen Shihang in Ming History Published by Zhonghua Publishing House
摘要 点校本《明史》问世前出现的万历首辅申时行的传记,至少有十多种。这些传记对申时行或仅记事迹不予评论,或极力歌颂,或予以肯定但行文平和,或褒贬兼有而以褒为主,或虽以褒为主而批评用语亦有一定的分量。而从问世时代分,则明代问世者大体持表扬歌颂态度,清代问世者则多半褒贬相兼且批评用语有一定的分量。这些传记为点校本《明史》底本即殿本《明史》的申时行传,提供了撰写参考。点校本《明史·申时行传》关于申时行籍贯,以及关于其子申用懋任职经历等记载皆有需加考订之处。现存殿本《明史·申时行传》的清朝明史馆拟稿中,有天一阁藏万斯同《明史稿·申时行传》和旧题万斯同编撰《明史·申时行传》,两者多有区别,前者观点相对陈旧,这当反映出前者问世当早于后者,这一状况值得治史学史者给予充分关注。 There are at least a dozen kinds of Biography of Shen Shihang who was the head member of the cabinet during the Wingli Era of the Ming Dynasty before Ming History was published by Zhonghua Publishing House. Some biographies only wrote Shen Shihang’s deeds but no comment on them; or they praised as much as possible him;or they gave positive appraisal but words very even; or their reviews were mixed with criticism and praise while they were mostly commendation; or though their reviews were based on the principle of praise, their critics added certain weight on him. These biographies offered reference to official Biography of Shen Shihang in Ming History. There are some mistakes about the place of birth and his son, Shen Yongmao’s official experience, which needs to make a textual research on Ming History published by Zhonghua Publishing House. Present official editions about biography of Shen Shihang in Ming History have two kinds, both of them were complied by Wan Sitong; one is Tian Yige edtion, named by Biography of Shen Shihang in Ming History Draft; the other is called older Wan Sitong signature, named by Biography of Shen Shihang in Ming History. There is some difference between them. The former is relatively out- of- date, which suggests the former is earlier than the latter. The fact deserves historians’attention.
作者 南炳文
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 2008年第12期5-8,共4页 History Teaching
关键词 点校本《明史·申时行传》 天一阁藏万斯同《明史稿·申时行传》 旧题万斯同《明史·申时行传》 Biography of Shen Shihang in Ming History Published by Zhonghua Publishing House, Wan Sitong Edition of Biography of Shen Shihang in Ming History Draft Stored by Tian Yige, Older Wan Sitong Signature at Biography of Shen Shihang in Ming History
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