研究了痕量Np和Pu的同步分离测量方法。利用相同价态Np和Pu的化学行为和物理性质的相似性,以242Pu为指示剂,用TOA萃取色层-Dowex阴离子交换双柱联合同步分离纯化,ICP-MS同时定量237 Np和239Pu,实现237 Np和239Pu的同步分离测量。实验结果表明,相同价态的Np和Pu在色层柱中的化学行为相似,理论计算ICP-MS测量237 Np和242Pu的灵敏度差异小于1%。所建流程与相应前处理方法结合,能够用于不同的待测样品中痕量237 Np和239Pu的分析。
A method for the synchronous determination of neptunium and plutonium at trace level was developed. Based on the similar chemical behavior at the same oxidation state and physical characteristic of Np and Pu, ZaTNp and 2agPu could be synchronous purified by TOA extraction and Dowex anion exchange double chromatographic co inductively coupled indicates that Np a than 1% detection used for different e plasma mass spectrometry (ICP -MS), nd Pu have similar chemical behavior in discrepancy of Np and Pu by ICP-MS is using lumns, and determined by ^242Pu as tracer. The result the separation scheme, and less obtained. The procedure can be nvironmental samples after suitable sample preparation
Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry