
复合材料薄板冲击后压缩性能研究 被引量:3

Compression after impact performance of thin composite laminates
摘要 原有的冲击后压缩试验夹具无法防止薄板的整体失稳,为了获得正确的破坏模式,通过有限元分析设计了新的试验夹具。试验证明了新夹具的有效性,没有改变试件原有的应力状态,可以获得与标准试验相同的破坏模式。对比了不同铺层比和不同材料复合材料薄板的冲击后压缩性能。试验结果表明铺层比对冲击后压缩强度的影响很大,不同铺层比层合板的冲击后压缩破坏应变基本一致,织物铺叠层合板的CAI性能略与单向带铺叠的层合板差别不明显。 Since standard compression - after - impact testing device can t prevent global buckling of thin composite specimen, new testing device is designed through finite element analysis to obtain acceptable fail- ure mode. Experimentation proves that compression stress state and failure mode are not modified by the presence of the new device. The compression - after - impact performance of various composite thin laminates which have different lay - up ratio and material is examined. Results show that CAI strength is strongly influenced by lay - up ratio, while specimens with different lay - up ratio have almost the same failure strain. The CAI performance of woven laminates nearly makes no difference with cross - ply laminates.
出处 《沈阳航空航天大学学报》 2011年第5期38-42,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Aerospace University
关键词 冲击后压缩 夹具 失稳 复合材料薄板 compression - after - impact device bulking thin laminate
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