

From Radicalism to Reformism: on Compatibility between Political Stabitlity and Press Freedom and its Root Cause from the jungle
摘要 舆论开放与政治稳定之间存在一定的矛盾。但在像美国这样成熟的民主社会中,存在一种内在的稳定机制,能够为舆论功能的发挥设定界限,避免产生政治动荡。小说《屠场》的本意在于宣扬社会主义的激进思想,但结果却推动了美国食品卫生立法的出台。这种从激进目标向改良实践的后退说明,在适当的社会结构与制度框架下,舆论开放和政治稳定是可以兼顾的。 Generally speaking, there is a contradiction between press freedom and political stability. However, in a mature democratic society such as America, there are some kinds of inherent stable mechanism which can set boundaries for the exertion of its function of social mobilization of public opinion and prevent the risk of political instability. The original intention of The Jungle is to advocate socialism, while the final result is the introduction of Pure Food and Drug Act. The retreat from radicalism to reformism means that press freedom can be compatible with political stability in a certain social structure and a reasonable system framework.
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第5期44-48,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 《屠场》 社会动员 激进主义 改良主义 The Jungle social mobilization radicalism reformism
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