作为一种热门的开源PHP框架技术,Zend Framework采用MVC架构模式来分离应用程序中的功能模块,具有模块化的结构设计特点,并且拥有丰富的组件支持和完善的文档资料,可方便地开发和维护Web程序。详细介绍了ZendFramework的开发模式和重要组件,并基于Zend Framework技术设计开发了一个网络商城网站,实现了注册、登录、注销、商品管理、分页显示、搜索和邮件发送等功能。详尽描述了各功能实现的设计思路和相关组件,并给出了功能演示结果。实验结果表明,应用Zend Framework技术可以方便、高效地设计出稳定的、扩展性强的Web应用。
Zend Framework can be used to develop Web application and service as a popular open source PHP framework. It uses MVC design pattern to separate the different parts of an application to facilitate the process of development and maintenance. It has rich component support,modular structure design,extensible document and flexible architecture. The development mode and the important components of Zend Framework are discussed in detail. A website is designed based on Zeod Framework,and some functions,such as registration, login,commodity management,paging display, search and mail, are implemented. The design idea and related components are described. The results are also displayed. Experiments show that a stable and extensible Web application can be easily designed with Zend Framework.
Computer Technology and Development