目的了解内江市第二人民医院近1年临床常见标本细菌检出率及分布。方法采用回顾性的方法统计分析5 659份培养标本的来源、阳性率及分布。结果 5 659份培养标本主要来自痰液和咽拭子2 606份(46.05%),血液培养1 411份(24.93%),尿液748份(13.22%);培养标本阳性检出率排前3位是脓液(61.08%)、分泌物(60.48%)、尿液(38.24%);培养标本科室分布前3位为呼吸心内科(17.99%)、儿科(9.86%)、感染科(11.5%)。培养出的阳性菌株(真菌除外)中,大肠埃希菌占30.89%,肺炎克雷伯菌和鲍曼溶血不动杆菌占12.22%,铜绿假单胞菌占8.11%。结论临床培养标本痰液及咽拭子标本最多,其次是血液标本,但它们阳性检出率却相对较低。阳性率较高的是脓液、分泌物和尿液,分离菌株以大肠埃希菌为主,其次是肺炎克雷伯菌和鲍曼溶血不动杆菌。
Objective To understand the detection rate and distribution of clinically common bacteria specimens of the hospital in the past 1 year.Methods The source,positive rate and distribution of 5 659 samples were analyzed by a retrospective statistical methodology.Results Among the 5 659 culture samples,2 606 were cultured from sputum and throat swabs(accounting for 46.05%),1 411 cultured from blood(accounting for 24.93%),and 748 cultured from urine(accounting for 13.22%).The first three kinds of samples with the highest positive rates were as followed: 61.08% of the emission samples,60.48% of the secretion samples,and 38.24% of the urine samples The first 3 department with the highest positive rates were as followed: 17.99% of the respiratory department of Cardiology,9.86% of the pediatric department,and 11.5% of the infectious diseases department..Among the cultured positive strains(except fungi),the Escherichia coli,Klebsiella pneumonia and Acinetobacter haemolyticus Bowman,as well as Pseudomonas aeruginosa accounted for 30.89%,12.22% and 8.11%,respectively.Conclusion Sputum and throat swab samples are the most clinical culture specimens,followed by the blood samples.However,their positive rates are relatively low.The positive rates in the pus,secretions and urine samples are higher.The most isolated strain is Escherichia coli,followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter Baumann hemolysis.
Laboratory Medicine and Clinic
source of specimen
detection rate
positive strains