介绍了燃气轮机余热锅炉HRSG(Heat Recovery Steam Generator)噪声源的产生机理和噪声特性,提出了HRSG噪声的计算原理。结合实际工程项目,针对不同的噪声设计要求,按锅炉本体,烟囱,给水泵,排气管,炉顶平台和其他设备等不同区域,对燃机余热锅炉噪声进行综合治理,并提出了具体设计结构。大量工程实践证明,这些HRSG噪声综合治理方法可行有效。
In this paper, the generating mechanisms and characteristics of noise sources on Heat Recovery Steam Generators were introduced and the method of noise calculation for HRSG was presented. According to different requirements of noise reduction for the boiler body, exhaust stack, pumps, exhaust pipes, flat roof etc., comprehensive noise control measures for HRSG were proposed and concrete structure designs were offered for actual projects. A large number of engineering practice proved that those comprehensive noise control measures for HRSG were feasible and effective.
Energy Research and Information