目的探讨高频彩色多普勒超声检查对胆道闭锁早期诊断的价值和意义。方法以手术和病理证实的8例胆道闭锁的患儿为研究对象,总结分析婴儿胆道闭锁的超声图像表现特征。结果 8例胆道闭锁患儿超声诊断7例(7/8),漏诊1例(1/8);其中6例的超声表现为左右肝管汇合部可见梭形高回声区,1例的超声表现为左右肝管汇合部可见低回声区。结论先天性胆道闭锁常见的超声表现为肝门部梭形高回声,而对于肝门部的低回声区也不可忽视,以免漏诊误诊,需结合胆囊萎缩发育不良等其他相关超声表现,对提高胆道闭锁早期诊断率具有重要的临床价值。
Objective To evaluate the clinical value of high frequency color Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis of biliary atresia. Methods The clinical manifestations and features of color doppler ultrasound were analysed in 8 cases of biliary atresia who were confirmed by pathological and surgical findings. Results There were 7 infants who were diagnosed correctly by ultrasound and 1 was missed diagnosed. Of all, there were 6 infant patients with fusiform hyperechoic zone by ultrasound at the junction of left and right hepatic duct. There was 1 patient with hypoechoic zone by ultrasound at the junction of left and right hepatic duct. Conclusion The common ultrasound feature of congenital biliary atresia is fusiform hyperechoic zone at hepatic hilum. The hypoechoic zone at hepatic hilum should not be ignored in order to avoid missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis. The ultrasound feature of gallbladder dysplasia and atrophy can provide significant clinical value in improving early diagnosis rate of biliary atresia.
Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound(Electronic Edition)