目的研究ERAP1基因多态性与汉族人群寻常型银屑病临床表型(发病年龄、家族史、临床类型)的相关性。方法选取7 717例银屑病患者和11 831例正常对照的ER-AP1基因多态性rs151823位点的基因分型资料(基因分型来自前期GWAS分型数据)。采用χ2检验比较各组间基因型和等位基因频率的分布差异。结果 ERAP1基因多态性rs151823位点基因型和等位基因频率分布差异在病例组和对照组、早发患者和晚发患者间差异有显著性,在家族史阳性患者和家族史阴性患者、急性点滴型患者和慢性斑块型患者间的分布差异均无显著性。结论 ERAP1基因单核苷酸多态性rs151823位点与汉族人群寻常型银屑病易感性相关,尤与早发型银屑病相关,但与家族史及临床类型可能无相关性。
Objective To investigate the association between single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) rs151823 within ERAP1 locus and some clinical phenotypes of psoriasis vulgaris in Chinese Han population.Methods 7717 patients and 11 831 controls were analyzed.The genotyping data of rs151823 within ERAP1 gene were derived from our previous genome wide assosiation study(GWAS),including 7 717 patients and 11 831 controls.Chi square test was used for comparing and analyzing genotype or allele frequency distribution among some clinical subgroups of psoriasis.Results Genotypic and allelic frequencies of rs151823 polymorphism within ERAP1 gene region were both different significantly between the cases and the controls,the early onset cases and the late onset cases.However,there were no statistical significance between the familial and sporadic cases,the guttate and plaque cases.Conclusion The results indicate that the SNP rs151823 within ERAP1 gene region is associated with psoriasis susceptibility in Chinese Han population,especially for the early onset psoriasis,but is not associated with family history and lesions type of psoriasis.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui