The failure of a bipolar static induction transistor (BSIT) often occurs in the transient process between the conducting-state and the blocking-state, so a profound understanding of the physical mechanism of the switching process is of significance for designing and fabricating perfect devices. The dynamical characteristics of the transient process between conducting-state and blocking-state BSITs are represented in detail in this paper. The influences of material, structural and technological parameters on the dynamical performances of BSITs are discussed. The mechanism underlying the transient conversion process is analyzed in depth. The technological approaches are developed to improve the dynamical characteristics of BSITs.
The failure of a bipolar static induction transistor (BSIT) often occurs in the transient process between the conducting-state and the blocking-state, so a profound understanding of the physical mechanism of the switching process is of significance for designing and fabricating perfect devices. The dynamical characteristics of the transient process between conducting-state and blocking-state BSITs are represented in detail in this paper. The influences of material, structural and technological parameters on the dynamical performances of BSITs are discussed. The mechanism underlying the transient conversion process is analyzed in depth. The technological approaches are developed to improve the dynamical characteristics of BSITs.
supported by the Scientific and Technological Supporting Program of Gansu Province,China(No.097GKCA052)
the Foundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.lzujbky-2009-14)