2007年3月1日至2008年2月29日在上海芦潮港附近海域进行了污损生物周年挂板试验,调查了该海域污损生物的种类组成、优势种、附着季节和生物量分布特征,分析了主要污损生物的生态特点。结果表明,该海域共鉴定出污损生物52种,隶属于9个生物门类,其中藻类5种,腔肠动物11种,苔藓虫6种,多毛类2种,软体动物5种,甲壳类12种,桡足类8种和其它3种。优势种为曲膝薮枝螅Obelia geniculata、纤细薮枝螅Obelia graciliser、苔藓虫Bryozoasp.、泥藤壶Balanus uligi-nosus、白脊藤壶Balanus albicostatus、僧帽牡蛎Saccostrea cucullata、近江牡蛎Crassostrea rivularis、马尔他钩虾Melitasp.、圆鳃麦秆虫Caprella penantis、长鳃麦秆虫Caprella equilibra和纵条肌海葵Halipbanella luciae。该海域全年都有污损生物附着生长,6—9月为附着高峰期,12月至翌年2月污损生物附着生物量较低,附着季节按生物量由高到低依次排序为:夏季>春季>秋季>冬季。调查海域主要污损生物为河口低盐种,根据我国海域污损生物种类组成的异同,将调查海域归属为泥藤壶区。
Shanghai Luchao Harbor is located in the border area of Hangzhouwan Bay and Yangtze River Estuary.It is mainly influenced by strong coastal current of Hangzhouwan Bay and freshwater from Yangtze River and Qiantang River.Seawater in Luchao Harbor was characterized by low salinity and high content of sediment.Salinity in this area varied from 8.34 to 20.13,average water temperature ranged from 4.8 ℃ to 28.5 ℃,and transparency was often less than 0.3 m.The hydraulic structures(such as wharf,buoy,etc.) in Luchao Harbor have been seriously spoiled due to fouling organisms,which will affect safe operation of the wharf.Previously,there has been a few studies researching fouling organisms in Luchao Harbor and its neiborhood.This study focuses on species composition,biomass,abundance,seasonal fluctuation and vertical distribution of fouling organisms,aimed to provide important basic data for fouling organisms control and marine environment monitoring in Luchao Harbor and its adjacent waters.An experiment on fouling organisms in Luchao Harbor ferry terminal was performed by deploying two groups of test boards from March 2007 to February 2008.Altogether 52 species in 9 categories fouling organisms with significant low-salt features were identified,among which the main species belonged to estuary low-salt species,so the fouling organisms in Luchao Harbor were classified into the Balanus uliginosus zone of Chinese marine fouling organisms divisions.The dominant species were Obelia geniculata、Obelia graciliser、Bryozoa sp.、Balanus uliginosus、Balanus albicostatus、Saccostrea cucullata、Crassostrea rivularis、Melita sp.、Caprella penantis、Caprella equilibra and Halipbanella luciae.The fouling organisms in Luchao Harbor wharf waters could reproduce and attach all year round.The adhesion strength and species composition varied with water temperature.The adhesion strength was low during December to next February for low temperature.The lowest biomass of fouling organisms in Luchao Harbor occurred in February wa
Journal of Marine Sciences
fouling organism
adhesion season
biomss distribution
ecological characteristics
Luchao Harbor