利用哈尔滨新一代天气雷达和常规观测资料,对黑龙江2011年6月9日受东北冷涡影响产生的区域性冰雹天气进行中尺度分析,结果表明:500 hPa黑龙江中西部有闭合冷中心,850hPa以下低空为暖脊,形成上冷下暖的不稳定大气层结。地面冷锋及850 hPa干线是不稳定能量释放的主要条件;冰雹落区是在低空急流出口区、高空槽前及850 hPa干线前方的中尺度对流潜势区内;雷达回波演变分析表明,初始阶段强回波高度迅速上升,降雹时有三体散射特征,消亡阶段强回波高度迅速下降,最后演变成积层混合性回波,并且各阶段强回波一直接地。
in this article,we applied the data of Haerbin Doppler radar to analyze the middle scale regional storm hail happened on 9th Jun.Heilongjiang province,it was showed that the unstable atmosphere was formed with a circle could center in west Heilongjiang province on 500hPa weather map and a warm ridge on the lower level 850 hPa;could front and dry line on 850hPa were the main unstable energy realizing conditions.The storm hail fall region was near the follow mouth of lower jet and before the high level trough.The changes of radar echo showed that the strong echo developed quickly at beginning,and there was scatter characteristic when storm hail began to fall,and the strong echo reduced quickly too at the reducing stage,and changed to the mixed echo at last,and the echo connected to the ground at every stages.
Heilongjiang Meteorology
storm hail
middle scale analysis
radar echo changing