Delay of on-ramp contains waiting delay and delay of accelerating and slowing down the speed. Waiting delay occupies about 80% of the total delay; however waiting delay is less studied. Based on the Queuing Theory and the Gap Acceptance Theory, the waiting delay of vehicles at the junction of on-ramp and expressway is discussed to analyze the crossing status of the entrance ramp. At different flows in on-ramp and in expressway, waiting delay is separately dis- cussed. In this paper, a corresponding model is established, and the waiting delay is obtained. The research on waiting delay is helpful to evaluate traffic conditions of on-ramp, and to improve the design of the on-ramp. Moreover, it can eval- uate and improve the strategy of traffic management and control. At last, by selecting appropriate parameter values in the model, MATLAB programming is used to analyze the model. The results indicate that the model can reflect the actual traffic flow status at the junction of expressway and on-ramp.
Journal of Transport Information and Safety