

Impact Analysis of Order Postponement in a Two-echelon Supply Chain
摘要 基于报童模型,在1个供应商和2个零售商组成的供应链系统中,建模分析了零售商实行订货延迟策略对自身、供应商和供应链系统的利润影响,得出了它们各自的订货时机偏好,并根据服务水平描绘了供应商和零售商的订货偏好区域分布图,由此得到零售商订货时的Pareto最优区域。研究结果表明,在通常情况下供应商希望零售商预订,而零售商喜欢延迟订货,这和现实情况是相符的。结果还表明,在某些情况下零售商延迟订货对自身有利,但对系统不利;当供应商服务水平较高时,零售商延迟订货对自身、对系统都有利。 When a retailer is implementing an order postponement strategy in a supply chain system which is comprised of a supplier and two retailers, the impacts on the retailer, the supplier, the supply chain system are modeled and analyzed based on newsvendor model. Their preferences of order timing are obtained respectively. According to the service level, the figure of area distribution is depicted for the supplier and retailer's order preference. Thus the Pareto optimal area is obtained when the retailer places an order. Our findings indicate that the supplier prefers the retailer's advance order under mild conditions, but retailer usually prefers to delay his order, which are identical to the reality. Results also show that in some cases, it is favorable for the retailer to postpone his order from the supplier, but unfavorable to the system. When the supplier's service level is high, it is beneficial to the retailer and the system as the retailer delays his order.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 2011年第11期1696-1701,共6页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助重点项目(70332001)
关键词 报童模型 延迟订货 订货延迟 供应链 newsvendor model delayed order order postponement supply chain
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