在日本"3.11"大地震核泄漏期间,对南京地区空气中气溶胶开展了超大流量快速采样,利用高纯锗γ谱仪对采集到的气溶胶样品进行放射性核素识别和浓度分析。监测结果表明,气溶胶取样中存在极微量的人工放射性核素131I,137 Cs和134 Cs,初步确认其来自日本福岛核事故。经分析,气溶胶中的人工放射性核素不会对环境和公众健康造成影响,无需采取防护措施。
Aerosols in Nanjing air were collected by fast high flow sampling to identify radio nuclides using high-purity germanium γ spectrometer during nuclear leakage of the year 2011 in Japan. The results showed that in the aerosols samples there were very little amount of artificial radio nuclides iodine-131, cesium-137 and cesium-134 cesium which came from nuclear accident in Fukushima. The aerosols analysis indicated quantity of artificial radio nuclides in the air did not effect Nanjing environment and public health, and it needed not take any measures for protection.
The Administration and Technique of Environmental Monitoring