简要介绍了水声通信网的研究现状以及常用的组网方式,比较了几种可实际应用的数据链路层协议,在此基础上提出了一种适用于区域性海洋观测的混合型网络协议,进行了仿真研究。该协议通过记录网络中数据包的发送频率来动态地调整所使用的MAC(Media Access Control)协议,当频率较高时选择查询方式的MAC协议,减少数据包的冲突;当频率较低时选择MACAW(Media Access with Collision Avoidance for Wireless),避免查询信号带来的额外开销。仿真结果表明,对于区域性海洋观测,这种包产生速率低,但可能出现短时间通信量大的应用情况,该协议可以有效地降低每bit的能耗,适用于长时间海洋观测。
Current status of underwater acoustics networks and networking techniques are introduced.Some data link layer protocols are compared and a joint protocol is proposed in this base which is designed for area monitoring.In this joint protocol,packet sending frequency is record to help to select the MAC algorithm dynamically.When the packet generate frequency is high,inquiry mode is selected to avoid packet collision,while otherwise,MACAW is used to reduce the overhead introduced by inquiry signal.These protocols are simulated and the results show that the joint protocol is applicable to the background of area monitoring,in which packets are generated slowly but explosively generating may appear.This protocol can reduce energy consumption per bit effectively.
Technical Acoustics