目的随着医疗信息化的不断深入,医院内以及区域医疗信息共享已成为全球医疗卫生信息化的发展趋势。为临床医学科研提供更为准确和高效的信息检索与分析功能,是居民健康档案未来的发展方向。方法本文基于HL7(Health Level 7)标准及可扩展标记语言(extensible markup language,XML)技术,在介绍居民健康档案功能和特点基础上,分析了健康档案的数据模型设计和实现方案,包括数据存储模式、XML存储方式选型、数据库选型等。结果通过运用XML技术和HL7标准的数据转换,可实现医院内部多个系统的无缝集成。结论在实际应用中,基于HL7标准的居民健康档案可以较好地保证数字化医疗信息的完整性、一致性,实现医疗信息共享。
Objective With the continuous informatization of medical information, medical information sharing in hospitals and regions has become a global healthcare information development trends. Providing more accurate and efficient information retrieval and analysis functions for clinical scientific research, it is the future direction of development of personal health record. Methods Based on the standard of health level 7 ( HL7 ) and XML (extensible markup language) technology, the paper introduces the functions and features of personal health record, emphatically analyzes its data model design and implementation method, including data storage mode, storage method of MXL and database model. Results By using of XML technology and HL7 standard, we can realize the integration among the hospital internal systems. Conclusions In practice, the personal health record based on standard HL7 assures integrative and accordant medical information for digital hospital, and realizes the sharing of medical information.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
personal health record
extensible markup language technology
standard HL7