介绍了气象部门收发小区广播信息的信息交换模式以及Web Service的原理功能。通过分析使用WebService在指定行政区域内和单元网格内发布小区广播信息的详细流程,以及接收网格内当前人口分布数据的方法,证明了使用Web Service的方式收发广播信息的可行性和有效性。采用这种方法后,提高了信息收发的成功率,避免了操作人员登录网页、输入信息等重复劳动,提高了小区广播信息发布系统的兼容性,为其与各个业务系统的对接及将来业务扩展提供了平台。最后探讨了使用Web Service技术收发气象服务小区广播信息在气象业务中的应用及前景。
An introduction is made to the information exchange mode of receiving and sending information in cell broadcast and the principles of Web Service.Through analyzing the working flow of sending information in cell broadcast towards some given areas or cell grids and the methods of receiving the current population distribution data within the grids,it is proved that the method of receiving and sending information in cell broadcast with Web Service is feasible and efficient.The application and prospects of receiving and sending meteorological service information in cell broadcast with the Web Service technology in the meteorological field are also discussed.
Meteorological Science and Technology