

Comments on the Sculptures of Great Tang All Day Mall
摘要 本文分三大部分,对大唐不夜城的雕塑作品作出全面的论述和评价。“总论”就其高扬中华民族精神、展现大唐盛世雄风的主题,采用锡青铜材料展开论述,并指出其“盛世情怀”太重所造成的缺憾。“分论”就五大雕塑群逐一论述评价,分别指出雕塑设计和制作、环境空间营造的成功或不足,是本文的主要部分。“余论”就“大视野”、“大手笔”进行论述,并提出修补建议。 This artical is composed of three parts, with comprehensive discussions and comments on the sculptures of Great Tang All Day Mall. The introduction, with regard to their vigorous fostering of the spirit of the Chinese nation and displaying of the prosperous and peaceful period of Great Tang, starts discussions with tin-bronze materials, at the same time, points out the imperfection caused by too much thought and feehing of the prosperous and peaceful times. The main body makes comments on each of the five groups of sculptures, pointing out respectively the success and shortcomings due to the designs of the sculptures and their making environment. The conclusion makes comments on "Broad Vision" and "Grand Style" and the proposal for correction.
作者 宋燕燕
出处 《西安外事学院学报》 2011年第2期1-9,共9页
关键词 大唐不夜城 雕塑 盛世情怀 瞬间动作 形体语言 空间环境 Great Tang All Day Mall sculpture thought and feeling of prosperous and peaceful times twinkling motion body language space environment
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