
膜接触器在环境治理中的应用研究进展 被引量:2

Novel Membrane Contactors and Their Application in Environmental Protection
摘要 膜接触器是将膜分离和传统化工单元操作有机结合而成的一种新型高效分离器,可不通过两相的直接接触而实现相间传质。继21世纪初首个工业化实例成功以来,在废水中芳香族化合物脱除、重金属选择吸收、废气中氨、CO2、H2S去除等多个领域的环境治理中,膜接触器技术的研究与应用日益重要。在此基础上,文章对膜蒸馏、膜吸收、膜萃取和膜填料替代等膜接触器技术的作用机理进行了比较,重点阐述了其在环境治理中的应用和发展状况,并对典型接触器中膜材料的性能和特点进行了分析。 In a novel membrane contactor,separation is efficiently integrated with conventional chemical separation technology,which achieves gas/liquid or liquid/liquid mass transfer without dispersion of one phase with another.After the first successful industrial installations,different kinds of membrane contactors have found important applications in environmental protection such as aromatics recovery from a process water,selective removal of heavy metals from an industrial process and recovery of ammonia,CO2 and H2S from an off gas stream.Principle of several typical membrane contactors were introduced,including membrane distillation,membrane adsorption,membrane extraction and membrane structured packing.Characteristics of material used in typical membrane contactors were also discussed.
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期106-111,共6页 Environmental Science & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(20776133 20976163) 浙江省重大科技攻关计划(2008C13014-2)
关键词 膜接触器 膜材料 环境治理 应用 membrane contactor membrane material environmental protection application
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