通过对比城市绿色及灰色空间复愈作用的差异,初步探讨这两类城市环境对个体身心资源产生影响的效果和速度,为今后环境复愈作用的本土化理论研究与应用提供支持。采用文献法和实验法相结合,在查阅与整理国内外相关文献的基础上,设计了单因素重复测量的实地实验。实验随机选取14名男性被试,分组后暴露于绿色或灰色空间这两种环境刺激中,进行词语联想测验引发压力状态,以正性负性情绪量表呈现被试在压力和复愈状态下的情绪变化,用唾液淀粉酶活性水平作为生理指标,直观监测被试的自主唤醒水平。结果显示,本实验压力引入的效果并不理想,没有造成显著的身心资源消耗;实验所选的城市绿色空间可在5 min内有效降低个体的自主唤醒水平,10 min时此作用更加明显;绿色空间组被试的消极情绪在15 min内得到有效缓解,而灰色空间组被试的积极情绪则在复愈阶段显著减少。因此,城市绿色空间在短时间内对个体的生理资源有较好的复愈作用,而灰色空间缺乏该复愈作用;同时绿色空间对个体的心理资源有显著的复愈作用,而灰色空间有消耗个体心理资源的可能。
Through contrastive study of restorative effect between green and grey environment in city,this paper discusses the effects and speed of the two kinds of environment on individual physical and psychological resource to support future native study on restorative effect both in theory and application.Based on extensive survey on contemporary relative literatures,this paper designs a field test with single factor using repeated measures.14 male students were chosen and randomly separated into 2 groups.One group was exposed to the stimulators of green environment,and the other one in stimulators of grey environment.The test of word association task was performed to bring the condition of stress,and Positive and Negative Affect Scale(PANAS) was used to show the emotional fluctuation of the subjects under different conditions.Salivary Amylase Activity(SAA) was utilized as the physical index to detect the parasympathetic system activity directly.Results show that the green space has better restorative effect for physical resource,while the grey space is lack of this function.The green space in city has significant restorative effect for psychological resource,while the grey space tends to deplete the psychological resource.
Journal of Beijing Forestry University :Social Sciences