
基于改进遗传算法的终端区排序研究 被引量:4

Aircraft Sequencing in Terminal Area Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
摘要 终端区航班排序是减少航班延误,降低成本的关键技术。基于安全性考虑,将进近无冲突作为约束条件,这是一个组合优化问题,多约束条件互相制约,导致可行解较难获得。采用改进遗传算法,针对航班速度编码的特性引入局部适应度函数,并以此为标准指导交叉变异操作。仿真结果表明,求得的进近队列延误低、无冲突,且遗传更具方向性,收敛快,大大提升求解速度,更符合实际运用中实时性要求,优于传统方法。 Aircraft sequencing in terminal area is the key technology for diminish delay and cost. Based on safety, consider non- conflict as a constraint during approach. This is a combination optimum question with multi- constraints, available resolution hard to reach. Promote to use improved GA, code with each aircrafts' velocity, use local fitness function as the criterion for crossover and mutate. Simulation shows, with improved GA, a none- conflict sequence with lower delay is reached. Besides, improved GA is more directive and convergence quickly, accelerating solving process. It can meet the application's needs in realtime and is better than traditional GA.
出处 《航空计算技术》 2011年第5期42-44,48,共4页 Aeronautical Computing Technique
基金 国家973计划项目资助(2011CB707000) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目资助(20101102110005)
关键词 终端区 排序 冲突 遗传算法 terminal sequencing conflict genetic algorithm
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