
梅雨期青藏高原东移对流系统影响江淮流域降水的研究 被引量:35

A study of the impacts of the eastward propagation of convective cloud systems over the Tibetan Plateau on the rainfall of the Yangtze-Huai River basin
摘要 利用GOES-9和FY-2C卫星TBB资料、1°×1°的NCEP再分析资料以及常规地面观测资料对2003和2007年梅雨期内青藏高原东移对流系统影响重庆、四川以及江淮梅雨锋地区降水的主要方式作了研究。结果表明,2003和2007年梅雨期内,青藏高原东移对流系统影响下游地区降水主要存在4种方式:(1)高原上的动力辐合中心伴随高原对流系统东移,影响所经地区的降水,该种影响方式较为常见,持续时间较长,影响范围较广。(2)高原对流系统移出高原后在四川盆地引发稳定少动的西南低涡,触发一系列暴雨过程,此种影响方式持续时间较长,主要影响地区为四川和重庆(往往会造成强度很大的暴雨),当西南低涡以东盛行较强西南风时,向梅雨锋的动能输送较强,这十分有利于梅雨锋地区对流活动和降水的加强。(3)高原东移对流系统在四川盆地触发西南低涡,西南低涡生成后,在引导槽的作用下沿梅雨锋东移,沿途引发一系列暴雨,此种影响方式持续时间最长,波及范围最广。(4)对流系统东移出青藏高原后直接影响下游地区,此种影响方式最为常见,但其影响时间最短,强度最小。对环境场的分析表明,高原强对流往往发生在500hPa影响槽槽区附近的上升运动区,当200hPa高空急流位置偏南且青藏高原东侧500hPa上有低槽向东移出时,高原对流系统较易移出高原。 Based on the TBB (temperature of black body) data from the GOES-9(2003) and FY-2C(2007), the station observed data and the NCEP reanalysis data with the resolution of 1°×1° (four times a day), the impacts of the eastward propagation of convective cloud systems over the Tibetan Plateau on the rainfall of downstream areas during the Meiyu periods of 2003 and 2007 are analyzed in the present paper. The results show that, there mainly are 4 kinds of influencing patterns: (1) convergence centers over the Tibetan Plateau with convective systems move eastward and influence the rainfall of downstream areas in which the convective systems could last for a long time and influence large areas; (2) convective systems over the Tibetan plateau move eastwards out of the plateau and trigger a quasi-stationary southwest vortex in the Sichuan Basin in which the southwest vortex can last for a long time, and produce a series of heavy rainfalls in Sichuan and Chongqing, which sometimes cause severe floods there; if there is strong southwest winds to the east of the southwest vortex, positive kinetic energy transportation to the Meiyu zone is able to occur, which would enhance the convective activities and rainfall there; (3) convective systems over the Tibetan Plateau move eastwards and cause the formation of the southwest vortex moved along the Meiyu front with the eastward propagation of a small leading trough to the north; Under this condition, the southwest vortex will induce a series of convective systems and heavy rainfalls along Meiyu front, which always cause severe floods in the Yangtze River valley, and, as a result, in this pattern, the convective systems influence downstream areas most intensively; and (4) convective systems over the Tibetan Plateau move eastward out of the plateau and influence downstream areas directly in which the convective systems decay quickly and only influence downstream areas slightly (the influencing area is smallest, and the influencing time is shortest�
出处 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期581-600,共20页 Acta Meteorologica Sinica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2009CB421401) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40875021 40930951)
关键词 青藏高原 西南低涡 梅雨锋 对流系统 亮度温度 Tibetan Plateau Southwest vortex Meiyu front Convective system TBB
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