选取科尔沁沙地典型区域为研究对象,运用遥感数据和GIS空间信息技术,基于土地的自然适宜性,对2000─2007年研究区退耕还林还草工程实施情况做出评价,并指出今后退耕任务和需要注意的问题。研究发现:退耕还林还草工程实施以来,吉尔嘎朗镇耕地明显减少,林地、草地明显增加,草地覆盖度显著提高;从7年间实际退耕还林还草方向、数量和空间分布来看,存在许多不合理的地方,主要是还林还草选择不合理,不宜耕作的土地还有很多没有退耕,实际退耕土地只占应退耕土地的28.63%;还有8 172.00 hm2土地应当逐步实现退耕,其中以退耕还林为主,占73.29%。政策方面,建议发展地区优势产业,积极推动农村富余劳动力转移就业,一方面增加农牧民家庭收入,另一方面减小人口对土地的压力,保证生态退耕工程持续见效。
This study selected Jilgalang Town as the study region, evaluated the result of Grain for Green Project during 2000-2007 based on land suitability, calculated the reasonable returning area and noted the issues that should be considered in the future. The results can be concluded as follows: (1) The arable land decreased while the woodland and grassland increased obviously, and the coverage of grasslands increased significantly since the implement of Grain for Green Project. (2) There were a series of problems during the past 7 years. As for the transform trend, area and spatial distribution of related land types, some farmlands that should be returned to forests were actually returned to grasslands; besides, some farmlands that should be returned to grasslands were actually returned to forests. The actually returned farmland only accounted for 28.63% of the farmland that should be returned to forests or grasslands according to land suitability. (~) In the future, 8 172.00 hm2 farmland should be gradually returned to forests or grasslands, among which about 73.29% should be returned to forests. (3) It was extremely important to formulate and implement some reasonable follow-up policies which should take more consideration of promoting the income of farmers so as to ensure both the ecological benefits and the economic benefits of the Grain for Green Project.