目的探讨即时超声微泡造影技术在诊断及鉴别胰腺占位性病变中的价值。资料与方法对42例胰腺占位性病变患者进行即时超声微泡造影检查,观察病灶区域及非病灶区域胰腺实质(以下简称实质)在灌注早期(EPPP,0~30s)和灌注晚期(DPPP,31~120s)的增强形态、增强模式、增强时间、增强速度、增强水平,将诊断结果与手术病理结果或最终临床诊断结果进行对照。结果 42例患者经手术病理证实或临床最终确诊恶性病变34例,良性病变8例。恶性病变、良性病变与实质灌注(包括灌注早期、灌注晚期)3组间的造影剂始增时间、始-峰时间差异有统计学意义;达峰时间差异无统计学意义。34例胰腺腺癌中,30例表现为EPPP及DPPP呈整体不均匀低增强,DPPP造影剂退出时间早于周围胰腺实质;2例表现为EPPP等增强,DPPP低增强;另2例表现为EPPP不均匀高度增强,DPPP低增强。3例胰腺内分泌肿瘤中,2例表现为EPPP及DPPP不均匀高度增强,1例表现为EPPP及DPPP等增强。5例局限性胰腺炎4例表现为EPPP及DPPP不均匀高度增强,1例表现为EPPP及DPPP呈等增强。结论即时超声造影能够提供更多的血流灌注信息,能为胰腺局灶性占位病变的诊断及鉴别诊断提供有价值的参考依据。
Purpose To study the diagnosis value of real-time microbubbles ultrasonography in pancreatic mass lesions. Materials and Methods A total of 42 patients with pancreatic mass lesions were undertook real-time microbubbles ultrasonography. Perfusion of the malignant tumors, benign lesions and the normal pancreatic parenchyma were observed and quantified. The results were compared with the pathology or clinical diagnosis. Results Of 42 patients with focal pancreatic lesions, 34 cases were confirmed pancreatic cancer and 8 cases were pancreatic benign lesions. Among the three groups, the time of beginning and the time of beginning to peak were different with statistical significance. In 34 cases of pancreatic cancer, 30 showed entirely heterogeneous low enhancement of both EPPP and DPPP. Contrast agent in the tumors rushed out earlier than the surrounding pancreas parenchyma during DPPP. Two cases showed the EPPP equal enhancement, while DPPP low enhancement; the other two cases showed a high degree heterogeneous enhancement of EPPP, while DPPP showed low enhancement. In three cases of pancreatic endocrine tumors, two cases showed a high degree of enhancement of both EPPP and DPPP, and one case showed equal enhancements of EPPP and DPPP. Four of five limited pancreatitis cases showed heterogeneously high enhancement of both EPPP and DPPP, and one case showed equal enhancement of EPPP and DPPP. Conclusion Real-time ultrasound imaging can provide more information of perfusion characteristics of the lesions, which would help in the diagnosis of focal pancreatic lesions.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging
Pancreatic diseases