
皂甙在反刍动物营养上的研究进展 被引量:3

Research progress of saponins in ruminant nutrition
摘要 由于反刍动物生产性能的提高和抗病的需要,目前动物生产上很普遍使用抗生素,但随着公众对动物源性食品中化学残留物以及对抗生素的日益关注,需要开发新的安全性添加剂代替化学性添加剂。皂甙作为纯天然提取物在调节瘤胃发酵和动物性能方面可以代替化学添加物,由于皂甙的化学结构和添加量及日粮组成不同,许多研究结果不一致,文中就皂甙在瘤胃微生物区系、瘤胃发酵和反刍动物生产性能等方面的研究进展进行综述,以促进皂甙在反刍动物生产上的应用。 In order to resistanting and improving the performance of ruminant animals,the use of antibiotics are very common,but with the public concerning about animal-derived food chemicals residue of antibiotics,the development of new safety of ruminant instead of chemical additive and additives become very essential.Including saponins,many biological active substances in regulating rumen fermentation and animal performance can replace chemical additives.Because of the chemical structure and saponins,additive amount and diet composition,to promote saponins,many studies need to saponins chemical structure and diet nutrition and systematic research of ruminal microbes.The present paper reviews and discusses the effects andmode of action of saponins on microbial community and fermentation in the rumen,and ruminantperformance.
出处 《饲料工业》 北大核心 2011年第17期26-30,共5页 Feed Industry
基金 城郊畜禽集约化养殖业环境健康与污染控制关键技术研项目[2008BADA7B04]
关键词 皂甙 原虫 细菌 发酵参数 生产性能 saponins protoza bacteria fermentation parameter production performance
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