在纯仿真环境下,风机控制器的开发周期长,而且难以反映其动静态特性及非线性因素,因此提出了一种基于DSP目标代码生成和计算机软件仿真相结合的新型半实物仿真方法。首先在Simulink下搭建好系统模型,然后根据目标DSP型号对控制算法模型添加相应内核、外设并选定参数,再利用Matlab的RTW(Real-Time Workshop)功能直接编译生成目标代码,使其在DSP中运行,以构成控制器实物模型,同时保持与Simulink中被控对象数学模型进行实时数据交换,从而完成半实物仿真平台的搭建。通过对1.5 MW双馈式风力发电机组控制系统的半实物仿真,不仅验证了该方法的快速性和简易性,还体现出这种方式同时具备了Matlab强大数据处理能力和DSP外设扩展简便的双重优势。
Aiming to overcome the difficulties of wind turbine controller's design in pure simulation environment, which has a long development cycle and hard to reflect dynamic and static characteristic/ nonlinear factors, a new method of hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) simulation based on the combination of target code generation of DSP and computer software simulation is proposed. The system model was built in Simulink firstly, then the core and peripheral module of DSP was set, utilize the RTW function to generate target code which directly run in the DSP, and maintain the real-time communication with the mathematical model which run in Simulink, then the HiL simulation platform was built. Through the Hil simulation of 1.5 MW DFIG wind energy converter model, the result showed the rapidity and convenient of this method, but also reflect the method has a duel advantage of powerful capacity in Matlab's data processing and DSP's peripheral expansion.
Renewable Energy Resources