
女性生育史与生殖道HPV感染关系探讨 被引量:2

Correlation of female procreant history and low genital HPV infection
摘要 目的:探讨女性生育史与生殖道HPV感染的关系。方法:对2005年1月-2007年8间在绍兴市人民医院妇科门诊接受宫颈阴道分泌物标本HPV基因型分型检测的1155位女性,同时调查其生育史,比较不同妊娠次数、流产次数、足月分娩次数下的HPV阳性率。结果:本组资料HPV总阳性率为53.77%,除4次及4次以上分娩组阳性率极高外,但不同妊娠次数(0次、1次、2次、3次、≥4次),流产次数(同前)及足月分娩次数(同前)下各组HPV阳性率差异无显著性,P值均>0.05。结论:女性生育史与生殖道HPV感染关系并不明显。 Objective To investigate the relationship of female procreant history and low genital human papillomavirus(HPV) infections.Methods Samples of cervical and vaginal excretion from 1155 outpatient women during January 2005 to August 2007 were detected for 21 genotypes of HPV,meanwhile,the procreant history was asked.HPV positive rates under different times of pregnancy,abortion and parity were compared.Results The total HPV infection rates was 53.77%,with no significant difference between different groups in different times of pregnancy,abortion and parity,P0.05,except the group with more than 4 times of abortion.Conclusion There is no obvious relationship between female procreant history and low genital HPV infection rate.
出处 《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2011年第9期967-969,共3页 Chinese Rural Health Service Administration
关键词 人乳头状瘤病毒 阳性率 生育史 HPV positive rate procreant history
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