
粗煤泥干扰床分选机流场的数值模拟 被引量:16

Numerical simulation of the flow field in the teetered bed separator
摘要 为了了解粗煤泥干扰床分选机内流场分布特性,优化结构,利用计算流体力学方法,采用Spalart-Allmaras模型对粗煤泥干扰床分选机内的流场进行数值模拟,并对速度场和压强分布进行了研究.结果表明:分布板开孔率为0.36时,分选机内水流的轴向速度沿径向呈对称分布,上升干扰水流越大,底部流体产生的扰动越大;水流的径向速度沿径向呈不对称分布,随半径增大,在槽体壁面附近明显变小;选取变孔径的分布板,可以减小或消除壁效应,使得靠近壁面的颗粒得到有效分选;底流口的位置应该在槽体底部的负压区,固体颗粒的分选发生在高湍流区域,稳流区域有分层现象. The flow field in the teetered bed separator was simulated using a Spalart-Allmaras model for improving the separation efficiency and optimizing the structure. The flow velocity distribution and pressure distribution were studies using a computational fluid dynamics meth- od. The results show that the axial velocity distribution at the different teeter water rates is basically symmetrical along the radial direction. The radial velocity distribution is asymmetric and increasing gradually along the radial direction while decreasing near the wall. The solid particles near the wall could be separated effectively because of decreasing or even eliminating of the wall effect by designing the distributor with multiple holes. The underflow outlets should be in the low pressure zone. The separation of the particles occurs in the high turbu- lence region, and layer in uniform and stable fluid region.
出处 《中国矿业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期608-611,共4页 Journal of China University of Mining & Technology
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2007AA05Z314)
关键词 粗煤泥 干扰床 流场分布 coarse coal teetered bed separator flow field distribution
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