利用强电离放电等离子体制取活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS),将ROS溶液以喷淋方式喷出处理染有枯草芽孢杆菌黑色变种菌悬液的载体,通过试验考察pH值、溶液温度、喷淋时间、ROS溶液作用时间等因素对细菌芽孢悬液杀灭率的影响.试验结果表明:碱性条件下枯草芽孢杆菌黑色变种快速杀灭率高于酸性条件;模拟战剂杀灭率随温度降低、喷淋时间以及溶液对其作用时间延长而增大;各因素对模拟战剂杀灭率的影响由强到弱顺序为:作用时间,喷淋时间,pH值,溶液温度.
Reactive Oxygen Species(ROS) solution, which was produced through strong ionization discharging plasma,was used to kill Bacillus subtilis varniger. ROS solution was sprayed to cope with biological pollution. Several operation parameters, such as PH value, solution temperature, spraying time and effect time, were studied. The effects of operating conditions on the killing rate of Bacillus subtilis var. niger were analyzed The results show that the treatment efficiency of Bacillus subtilis vat. niger in alkaline solution is higher than that in acid solution. The killing rate of Bacillus subtilis var. niger increases with the decrease of the temperature and the increase of the spraying time and effect time. , and the order of strength of the affecting factors is effect time 〉 spraying time 〉 pH value 〉 solution temperature.
Journal of Guangdong University of Technology