采用田间试验(2007-2009年),研究了3个冬小麦品种、不同灌水量及配方肥料对冬小麦产量及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:小偃22号产量较西农979和西农2000分别高出15.85%与11.41%;低灌水条件下,秸秆配方处理能保蓄耕层土壤水分(特别是扬花期以后),耕层土壤蓄水量分别较废料配方处理与常规施肥处理高出41.49 mm与31.65 mm,高灌水处理下,秸秆配方能减少土壤水分下渗,进而保证小麦出苗及拔节等高耗水期耗水;灌水120 mm与180 mm,秸秆配方与废料配方在减少无机化肥用量30%的情况下,小麦产量分别比常规施肥高26.93%、17.68%和29.42%、17.44%,水分利用效率分别较常规施肥高24.39%、17.07%和26.17%、18.69%。可见:从节水高产角度来看,小偃22号相比于西农979与西农2000更适合在关中灌区种植;秸秆配方的土壤扩蓄增容肥较废料配方在空间和时间上能更好地调节土壤供水能力,使土壤有效地保蓄降水与灌水;秸秆配方的土壤扩蓄增容肥节水增产效应最优。
Reasonable irrigation and fertilization are the key factors of production of winter wheat.This study is aimed at providing the scientific foundation for expanding the application of soil amendment fertilizers.A two-year experiment(2007~2009) was conducted to study the wheat yield and water use efficiency(WUE) under three varieties,kinds of irrigation and fertilizer treatments.The results are as follows:(1) Yield of winter wheat Xiaoyan 22 is respectively 11.41% and 15.85% higher than Xinong 979 and Xinong2000.(2) At low irrigation condition,AFS can sustain soil water at tilth(especially after flowering stage),the water storage of tilth is respectively 41.49 mm and 31.65 mm higher than AFW and normal fertilizer treatment(NFT);at high irrigation treatment,AFS inhibits soil water infiltration to ensure water supply in the high water consumption stage as seedling and jointing stage to promote wheat growth and WUE.(3) Irrigating 120 mm and 180 mm,in the case of reducing 30% usage of chemical fertilizer,the wheat yield of AFS and AFW are respectively 26.93%,17.68% and 29.42%,17.44% higher than normal fertilizer treatment;WUE are respectively 24.39%,17.07% and 26.17%,18.69% higher than normal fertilizer treatment.The conclusions are as follows:(1) Winter wheat Xiaoyan 22 is the advantageous breed for water-saving irrigation in Guanzhong Irrigation District.(2) Amendment fertilizer of straw formula(AFS) can regulate soil water supply more efficiently than waste formula(AFW) and make soil sustain precipitation and irrigation effectively.(3) AFS has the optimum effect in saving water and increase yield of winter wheat.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas