目的了解郴州市2010年突发公共卫生事件的流行特征,为制定预防和控制措施提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法对2010年郴州市网络报告的突发公共卫生事件进行分析。结果 2010年该市共报告突发公共卫生事件9起,发病431例,死亡9人;以传染病暴发疫情为主(44.45%),其次是食物中毒(22.22%);突发事件主要发生在乡村(77.78%);学校是突发事件的高发场所(33.33%)。结论应加强农村卫生工作和学校卫生管理,重视传染病和食物中毒的预防控制。
To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of public health emergencies in Chenzhou in 2010, provide scientific basis for prevention and control. Methods Descriptive study was applied to analyze the public health emergencies reported by network reporting system of Chenzhou in 2010. Results There were 9 public health emergencies reported in Chenzhou in 2010, with 431 cases and 9 deaths. In which, infectious diseases accounted most (44. 45% ), followed by food poisoning (22. 22% ), Public health emergencies occurred mainly in countryside (77.78%). Schools were places with high incidence of public health emergencies (33.33%). Conclusion It is important to strengthen rural health work and health management in schools. More attention should be paid to prevention and control of infectious diseases and food poisoning.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information