数字化正对中国广播电视行业产生着深刻的影响,传统的FM音频广播也面临着数字化改造。在DAB,HD Radio,DRM及CDRadio几种先进数字音频广播技术方案中重点比较了HD Radio与CDRadio。中国数字调频广播技术方案CDRadio实现了真正的带内数模混叠同播,并通过使用非规则频谱分配、LDPC纠错编码、时间分片等关键技术,获得了更好的性能增益。CDRadio技术方案创造性地在200 K模拟带宽内同时播出数字信号和模拟信号,使得现有调频电台无需做任何的频率规划更改就可以升级到数字调频广播,同时还能保持原有模拟调频节目播出,因此它是最适合中国国情的方案。
Digitalization has a profound impact on China's radio and television industry now, traditional FM audio broadcast also faces digital transformation. Digital audio broadcasting(DAB), digital radio mondiale (DRM), digital high-definition broadcasts (HD-Radio) and China digital radio (CDRadio) are currently advanced techniques in audio broadcasting, among which a particular comparison between HD Radio and CDRadio is given. CDRadio supports the real in-band mixed broadcast of both digital and analog signals, and gains better performance by adopting key technologies such as irregular spectrum allocation, LDPC channel coding and time slicing etc. Its innovative mixed broadcasting technology, in the original 200 KHz analog bandwidth enables the existing FM radio stations to update to digital FM broadcast without any spectrum change while still keeping the original analog FM broadcast. Therefore, it is the best technical solution for China's application.
Audio Engineering