低等木食性白蚁肠道内的鞭毛虫在纤维素降解过程中扮演着重要的角色。黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder是一种广泛分布于我国的低等木食性白蚁,然而目前对于其肠道内的共生鞭毛虫却鲜见报道。采用锐滴虫目18S rDNA特异引物扩增鞭毛虫18S rRNA基因并构建文库,对得到的基因进行系统发育多样性分析。针对得到的序列设计特异性的荧光探针,用荧光原位杂交技术对锐滴虫目鞭毛虫进行了鉴定。从黑胸散白蚁肠道得到11个锐滴虫目鞭毛虫18S rDNA序列,它们之间的相似性为86.9%—99.3%。系统发育分析表明,锐滴虫目鞭毛虫主要属于Dinenympha和Pyrsonympha两个属。应用荧光原位杂交技术鉴定出了Dinenympha parva、Dinenympha exilis和Pyrsonympha sp.三种锐滴虫。研究表明,在黑胸散白蚁肠道共生的锐滴虫为Dinenympha和Pyrsonympha属的鞭毛虫。
The gut of wood-feeding lower termites is rich in symbiotic protozoa that play important roles in cellulose degradation.Previously the diverse hindgut symbiotic protozoa in wood-feeding lower termites were identified mainly based on morphological characters observed under light microscopy.Due to incomplete descriptions such as the shortage of images of many flagellate species,the identification of symbiotic flagellate species in unknown termite species becomes difficult and uncertain.With the development of molecular techniques,it has become possible to identify certain flagellate species via cloning 18S rRNA genes from mixed flagellate populations,in combination with the whole-cell in situ hybridization that facilitates determination of the origin of amplified genes.Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder is a wood-feeding lower termite widely distributes in China.However,the diversity of its gut symbiotic flagellates has not been reported.To analyze the phylogenetic diversity of the symbiotic Oxymonad flagellates in the gut of R.chinensis,the 18S rRNA genes of the symbiotic Oxymonads were amplified from the DNA extracts of the whole gut using Oxymonad specific primers.A rDNA library was established and the 18S rRNA genes of the Oxymonad species were analyzed.Eleven Oxymonad 18S rRNA genes with the similarity between 86.9% and 99.3% were obtained.Seuqnence DataBank searches showed that the sequence of rDNA Clone Rc52,Clone Rc23 and Clone RC3 had a high similarity to the SSU rDNA sequence of Dinenympha exilis,Dinenympha sp.and Dinenympha parva obtained from Reticulitermes speratus with the similarity of 97%,97% and 98%,respectively.Phylogenetic analysis showed that these eleven Oxymonad rDNAs formed five distinct clusters.Eight of the eleven 18S rRNA genes formed four separate Dinenympha clusters.Among them three Dinenympha genes(rDNA Clone Rc52,Rc23,Rc3) each formed a distinct cluster,Cluster I,II,III,respectively.rDNA Clones Rc4,Rc7,Rc8,Rc19 and Rc35 with the sequence similarity between 98.5% and 99.3% from each ot
Acta Ecologica Sinica
Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder
oxymonad flagellates
phylogenetic diversity
fluorescence in situ hybridization