针对目前许多高校实验教学中普遍存在的一些问题,结合《电机与拖动基础》实验的特点,提出了一种基于L abV IEW构建虚拟实验室的方案。该方案虚拟了直流电机、变压器、异步机、同步机的十数个实验,并具有实验数据分析及特性曲线绘制等功能。通过实例的分析,验证了该方案的可行性。在实际运行中,取得了良好的教学效果,表明了该方案目前在国内高校具有较高的推广利用价值。
Aiming at the problems prevalently existing in the many university experimental teaching at present, combined with the experimental features of motor and drag-based, the article proposed a program to build a virtual lab that based on LabVIEW. The program virtual design a number of experiments of DC motor, transformers, induction machines and synchronous machines, and have the functions of the experimental data analysis and the characteristics curve plotting. Through the analysis of examples, the article verify the feasibility of the program. In actual operation, the program achieved good teaching results, and indicated that the program have a high value is currently promoting in the universities of our country.
Meitan Higher Education