
P300用于31例刑事在押人员的检测准确性研究 被引量:6

The accuracy of P300-based method for lie detection
摘要 目的验证事件相关电位测谎方法对刑事在押人员进行检测时的准确性,从而推动该项测谎技术从实验室走向实践。方法以31例涉案的犯罪嫌疑人为研究对象,以P300为评价指标进行事件相关电位测谎。结果事件相关电位测谎方法的准确判别率为96.8%,而测谎结论的准确率为80.6%。结论事件相关电位测谎结果没有假阳性,有利于认定犯罪事实,可以用于刑事案件测谎当中。 This experiment examined the accuracy and reliability of the event-related potential(ERP) for detecting information related to events that subjects have experienced.31 subjects who had been in custody for involving in criminal cases were tested with event-related potential method and the data were statistically analyzed with SSPS 11.5 software.The results showed that accuracy was 80.6% and P300 has potential as an investigative tool in criminal cases.
作者 付翠
出处 《刑事技术》 2011年第4期3-8,共6页 Forensic Science and Technology
关键词 P300 事件相关电位测谎 准确性 P300 event-related potential accuracy
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