1949年以来广州实施重大交通设施项目,带动城市空间结构形态发生较大变化,主要可分为3个阶段:①新中国成立至改革开放的30 a间着重实施了以城市道路和桥梁为主体的交通设施项目,使广州形成了沿珠江前航道"带状分散组团状"的空间结构形态;②改革开放后的20 a间,广州重点实施了快速路和高速公路为主体的交通设施项目,使城市空间沿珠江前航道向东和白云山西侧向北拓展,空间结构形态呈现"L形三大组团状";③2000年后的10 a间,番禺、花都"撤市设区"使广州市区范围大大拓展,新白云国际机场、广州铁路客运南站(高铁车站)、南沙深水港、地铁等重大交通设施和轨道交通设施项目在更大范围内进行合理布局和建设,促使了广州"多中心、网络状"空间结构的形成。
Major transportation facilities projects implemented since 1949 have brought about significant changes in Guangzhou’s urban spatial structure and urban form.There are three stages of changes.During the first 30 a after the founding of the People’s Republic of China,the government has paid much attention to the construction of the major urban roads and bridges,forming a spatial structure of "stripes of dispersed groups" along the Zhujiang River in Guangzhou.After two decades of reform and openning-up,many efforts have been made to construct urban expressways,resulting in urban expansion along the Zhujiang River and the Baiyun Mountain.The spatial structure of Guangzhou thus changed into an "L" shape comprised of three major groups.During the first decade of the 21st century,Panyu County and Huadu County were merged into Guangzhou metropolis.A series of transportation facilities,such as Baiyun International Airport,South Railway Station of Guangzhou,Nansha Deep-water Port,MTR system lines,were deployed and constructed in the expanded Guangzhou metropolitan area,forming a "multi-center,multi-axis network" spatial structure.During the process,the construction of major transportation facilities has projected significant influences on Guangzhou’s urban spatial structure.The road traffic framework first guided urban development into stripes shape,the rapid traffic system then adjusted the urban spatial structure into "L" shape;and large-scale facilities and track transportation facilities fundamentally altered the existing structure into a "multi-center,multi-axis network" in accordance to the spatial organization of the rapid expanding metropolitan area.The emphases of transportation facilities construction varied in different stage of urban developmen.1) In the growing period of the city,the emphases of transport facilities construction were palced on the infrastructures,such as major urban roads and bridges.2) During the rapid urban development period,the emphases of transportation facil
Scientia Geographica Sinica
major transportation facility
urban spatial structure