为探求水稻钙和镁吸收规律,进一步提高产量,通过2 a10个点次的田间对比试验,比较了农民习惯施肥(FFP)和实地养分管理(SSNM)下水稻茎叶、植株及籽粒的钙镁吸收和产量的差异。结果表明:与FFP相比,SSNM产量提高了6.66%-20.37%,平均增产13.7%,8个试验点增产显著。FFP水稻茎叶和籽粒的含钙量分别为2.24-3.10 g.kg-1和0.10-0.27 g.kg-1,含镁量分别为0.80-1.38 g.kg-1和0.62-0.97 g.kg-1。水稻植株中氮镁积累量分别是1.55-20.08 kg.hm-2和7.69-14.86 kg.hm-2,1 000 kg籽粒吸收钙1.66-2.56 kg,吸收镁1.16-1.86 kg;SSNM水稻茎叶和籽粒含钙量分别为2.45-3.40 g.kg-1和0.12-0.29 g.kg-1,含镁量分别为0.85-1.37 g.kg-1和0.62-0.94 g.kg-1,水稻植株中氮镁积累量分别是16.71-22.91 kg.hm-2和9.33-16.35 kg.hm-2,1 000 kg籽粒吸收钙1.66-2.67 kg,吸收镁1.19-1.71kg。两种施肥方式下钙镁的含量和1 000 kg籽粒吸收钙镁量无明显差别;SSNM钙镁的积累量均高于农民习惯施肥。表明,寒地水稻钙镁需要量较高,每1 000 kg水稻需要钙镁含量平均为2.04 kg和1.51 kg,SSNM对水稻茎叶和稻穗钙镁含量影响不大,由于其提高了水稻产量,因此促进了钙镁吸收。
The calcium and magnesium absorption and yield of rice under farmer's fertilization practices(FFP) and Site-specific nutrient management(SSNM)were compared through a two-year field experiments at 10 sites. Compared with FFP, rice yield of SSNM increased by 6. 66 % - 20.37 %, by average of 13.7 %, and increase yields of 8 sites reached significantly different levels. The calcium contents of rice plant and panicle in FFP was 2.24-3.10 g·kg^-1 and 0.10-0. 27 g·kg^-1 , respectively, the magnesium contents were 0.80 - 1.38 g·kg^-1 and 0. 62-0.97 g·kg^-1 ,respectively. The calcium and magnesium accumulation in plant was 1. 55420.08 kg·hm ^2 and 7.69-14.86 kg.hm^2 ,respectively and their accumulation of 1 000 grain was 1.66-2.56 kg and 1.16- 1.86 kg. The calcium contents of rice plant and panicle in SSNM was 2.45-3.40 g·kg^-1 and 0.12-0.29 g·kg^-1 The magnesium contents were 0.85-1.37 g·kg^-1and 0.62-0.94 g·kg^-1 ,respectively,The calcium and magnesium accumulation in plant was 16. 71 - 22.91 kg.hm 2 and 9.33 - 16.35 kg· hm z, and their accumulation of 1 000 grains was 1. 66-2.67 kg and 1.19-1. 71 kg. Calcium and magnesium accumulation of SSNM were more than that of FFP,but there were no significant difference between calcium and magnesium content of the two fertilization treatments. It showed that rice in cold area required calcium and magnesium average 2.04 kg and 1.51 kg for 1 000 kg rice grain. SSNM had no significant effects on the calcium and magnesium contents, hut it promoted the calcium and magnesium absorption because SSNM increased rice yield.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences
rice in cold area
site-specific nutrient management(SSNM) ~ calcium ~ magnesium