MS SQL SERVER 2000是国内很多医院采用的数据库服务器体系结构,企业管理器是管理和配置MS SQL SERVER 2000的实用工具。本文针对企业管理器中纤程配置的相关问题,运用计算机体系结构和操作系统相关理论与技术,深入分析了SQL SERVER 2000纤程支持技术以及开启纤程支持功能的重要意义,并就配置纤程后引起的问题给出了解决方法。
MS SQL SERVER 2000 is database server architecture applied by many internal hospitals,Enterprise Manager is a practicable tool managing and configuring MS SQL SERVER 2000.Fiber configuration issues of Enterprise Manager were aimed at,Computer Architecture and Operating System theories or techniques are applied,SQL SERVER 2000 technology of supporting fiber and importance of opening fiber function are analyzed deeply,and the solution to faults brought about by fiber configuration was given.
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