Tax planning is a hot topic on which a lot of literatures have focused.Although tax research has a long history in economics and finance and many accounting practitioners specialize in tax planning and compliance,the present finding is mainly about the factors and economic consequence of tax planning,on which there are still many discussions being held.For example,we still know very little about why firms vary in their tax aggressiveness.On the one hand,Tax planning saved cash flow and improved corporation value,such activity is good to shareholder and can increase corporate value.On the other hand,the existence of agency problems may lead the tax decisions to be more beneficial to management or controlling shareholders instead of the company itself.If that scenario is true,tax planning will decrease corporate value.The behavior of tax planning is the common results of these two aspects.Our goal in this paper is to investigate how agency cost affect corporate tax decision and corporate value.The idea that corporate governance is related to tax planning is old,but has been largely ignored in the literature.Taking the case of J Company's land acquisition from its holding shareholder,this paper reveals the routine and economic consequence of tax planning under the influence of agency problems.We find that the holding shareholder designed complicated transaction and avoided lots of tax cost.But due to agency problems,the holding shareholder didn't choose the lowest-cost plan.Instead,they chose a most self-beneficial plan and got large cash flow.And we also observe the market reaction to the behavior of tax planning.Although J Company didn't choose the best plan owing to the holding shareholder,the present transaction model still avoided quantities of tax cost and got positive response of capital market.This paper contributes to the literature by providing theory and predictions about tax planning,the market consequences of those activities,and furthering the thinking on the relation between corporate governance
Nankai Business Review