
母国流动性危机与外资银行的贷款供给——基于新兴市场国家的实证研究 被引量:2

Liquidity Crisis in Home Countries and Credit Supply of Foreign Banks:Evidence from Emerging Market Economies
摘要 本文采用国际清算银行公布的合并银行业统计数据,以金融危机期间14个发达国家银行对38个新兴市场国家或地区的本地本币债权为样本,通过平衡面板数据模型,实证研究了发达国家流动性危机对新兴市场国家外资银行贷款稳定性的影响。结果表明,母行"去杠杆化"的行为和风险厌恶程度的提高会导致外资银行减少贷款供给,但是母行在东道国本地化经营程度的提高有助于减少信贷收缩的程度。 The paper makes use of the dataset of Consolidated Banking Statistics from the Bank for International Settlement to present changes of local currency claims on local residents of reporting banks during the financial crisis. Based on the sample of 14 developed countries (DCs) and 38 emerging market economies (EMEs) , a balanced panel data regression model is estimated to analyze the impact of the liquidity crisis in DCs on the credit stability of foreign banks in EMEs. Our results suggest that the deleveraging and the increasing risk aversion of parent banks adversely affect the credit supply of foreign banks. However, the results also indicate that localization of parent banks in the host countries may alleviate the effect of the liquidity shocks.
作者 鲁明易
出处 《国际金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第9期69-77,共9页 Studies of International Finance
基金 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目2010SJD880033的资助
关键词 流动性危机 新兴市场国家 外资银行 贷款稳定性 Liquidity Crisis Emerging Market Economies Foreign Banks Credit Stability
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