
巨灾风险管理的困境与出路——兼论中、美洪水灾害风险管理差异 被引量:2

Catastrophe Risk Management: Problems and Solutions ——On the Flood Risk Management Differences between the U.S.and China
摘要 在经历了几场罕见的大灾大难之后,巨灾风险已经成为举国上下共同关注的话题。许多学者迫切要求国家尽快建立所谓的"完整制度"或"管理体系",实现巨灾风险管理。这种想法具有代表性。本文通过对中、美两国洪水灾害风险管理实践的分析,认为巨灾是目前人类难于应对和应对不了,而又不得不应对的一种自然灾害。无奈之下,人类可以有两个选择:一是通过建立一个又一个的专项巨灾保险制度,实现单个巨灾风险管理的突破;二是通过建立涵盖安全设防、救灾救济、应急管理和风险转移等内容的全面巨灾风险管理机制,实现对巨灾风险的全过程管理。 Catastrophe risk has become a topic of common concern in the whole country since several rare major disasters happened. A representative idea believes that a so-called "complete institution" or "management system" can realize the goal of catastrophe risk management. According to analyses of flood risk management practice in the United States and China, the paper held that catastrophe was the natural disaster that was difficult and even unable to deal with, but have to cope with. Here two choices may be considered. One is through the establishment of a specific catastrophe insurance to harness each of the catastrophe risks one by one ; the other is through the establishment of a comprehensive catastrophe risk management mechanism including safety of fortification, disaster relief, emergency management and risk transfer to achieve the whole process management of catastrophe risk.
出处 《保险研究》 北大核心 2011年第8期3-12,共10页 Insurance Studies
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"巨灾风险管理制度创新研究"(编号:09JZD0028)的资助
关键词 巨灾风险 洪水灾害 巨灾保险 风险管理体制 catastrophe risk flood hazard catastrophe insurance risk management mechanism
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