垄作小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)和间套作技术是我国华北地区农业生产中的重要种植模式之一。本研究结合华北地区严重缺水的实际,以平作小麦、垄作小麦作为复种模式中冬小麦的对照,平作菠菜(Spinacia oleracea L.)复种番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Miller)为复种模式中菠菜和番茄的对照(平作采用漫灌,起垄栽培作物均采用沟内灌水),研究了垄作小麦间作菠菜复种1季番茄这一间套模式中冬小麦的产量和水分利用效率。结果表明,垄作小麦及垄作小麦间作菠菜复种番茄比平作小麦减产11%,减产是由于没能充分发挥边际效应而使得穗数降低。3种模式的水分利用效率比较表明,平作小麦水分利用效率最高,其次是垄作小麦,间套作条件下的垄作小麦水分利用效率最低。垄作小麦的水分利用效率低于平作小麦,是因为冬小麦对沟内水分利用不充分,而试验中降水、灌溉水主要存留于沟内。在垄作小麦沟内套种菠菜,获得了与单作菠菜相同的产量,说明冬小麦不影响菠菜产量。收获菠菜后接茬移栽番茄,移栽时间应尽量后移,可减少共生期,便于田间管理和番茄生长。小麦、菠菜、番茄间作套种,如果品种选择合理、时机恰当,可以在小麦等粮食作物不减产的情况下,增收2茬蔬菜。
Ridge planting and intercropping of winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) are important cropping systems in the North China Plain(NCP),in which there exists an acute shortage of water resources especially for crop production.This study analyzed water use efficiency(WUE) of winter wheat in wheat||spinach-tomato cropping system using both traditional and ridge cultivation as the control practices.Traditional cultivated spinach(Spinacia oleracea L.) and tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Miller) system was the control cropping practice for the spinach||tomato intercropping system.The results showed that wheat grain yield under ridge planting and intercropping was 11% less than under traditional cultivation(401 kg·667m-2).The reduction in grain yield was attrib-uted to low tiller number as ridge-edge effect was not fully exploited.Tiller numbers of ridge-planted ridge-intercropped wheat were 13.2% and 8.2% less than traditional cultivated wheat system.Row tiller number was much less in either ridge-planted or ridge-intercropped systems than in traditional cultivation system.Comparisons among the three cropping systems suggested that traditional wheat cropping had the highest WUE(1.039 kg·667m-2-mm-1),and that intercropping had the lowest WUE(0.868 kg 667m·2mm-1).Ridge cultivation had a smaller WUE(0.944 kg·666.7m-2-mm-1) than traditional cultivation system because be-tween-ridge water was not fully utilized.Yield of spinach was,however,not affected by wheat.Yields of intercropped and traditional cultivation spinach systems were 826 kg·667m-2 and 851 kg·667m-2,respectively,with a difference not statistically significant.However,tomato growth was greatly hampered under the intercropping system.Stem diameter and biomass per plant under inter-cropped tomato was respectively 27% and 37% less than that under traditional cultivation system.This suggested that after spinach harvest,tomato transplanting should be postponed as long as possible so as to shorten crop symbiosis and make
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture