
雇主品牌维度及其影响效果:一项针对商业银行招聘和学生求职的实证研究 被引量:10

On the Dimensions and Impacts of Employer Brand: An Empirical Study of Commercial Banks and College Graduate Job-Seekers
摘要 我们以品牌形象的功能性和象征性理论为基础,采用高校学生求职者样本考察了中国商业银行雇主品牌的维度及其对总体雇主形象和求职倾向的影响。实证分析结果验证了雇主品牌是功能性和象征性两类因素的集合。通过有效性分析方法,我们发现象征性因素对求职者的影响作用要大于功能性因素;不仅如此,判别分析显示雇主品牌形象也更容易在象征性因素上产生差异。由此,我们能够识别出招聘企业雇主品牌的关键性维度。基于对当前样本数据的进一步分析,我们还发现求职者的性别差异和全职工作经验差异会影响求职者对雇主品牌两类因素以及具体维度的感知,并产生一定的调节作用。 Based on the brand image theory drown from the marketing literature, this study conceptualizes and demonstrates employer brand to possess, hence to be, a union of functional and symbolic attributes. Using a sample of 372 college student applicants, we examined the dimensions of employer brand in commercial bank industry as well as the relative importance of functional vis-à-vis symbolic factors in the context of early stage of recruiting process. Our empirical results show that symbolic factors account significantly for more variances than functional factors in predicting one bank's typical employer image and a graduate’s application intention. Moreover, it is easier to differentiate among recruiters on the basis of symbolic factors rather than functional ones. Further analysis reveals that the perception of an applicant about the bank’s employer brand and its certain dimensions is moderated by his/her gender status and full-time work experiences.
出处 《管理学家(学术版)》 2011年第7期3-22,共20页
关键词 雇主品牌 功能性和象征性 求职倾向 实证研究 employer brand functional and symbolic factors applicant intention empirical study
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